ReClaim Hymnal (RCH)

  1. All Glory Be to God on High, Allein Gott in der Hoh
  2. My God, How Wonderful Thou Art, Dundee
  3. Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken, Austria
  4. All Things Bright and Beautiful, Royal Oak
  5. God of Our Fathers, National Hymn
  6. Eternal Father, Strong to Save, Melita
  7. Let Me Be Yours Forever, Lob Gott Getrost Mit Singen
  8. Father, We Praise You, Christe Sanctorium
  9. Sweet Hour of Prayer!, Sweet Hour of Prayer
  10. Holy, Holy, Holy, Nicaea
  11. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, Lobe Den Herren
  12. Give to Our God Immortal Praise, Duke Street
  13. Holy God, We Praise Your Name, Grosser Gott
  14. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling, Hyfrydol
  15. God Moves in a Mysterious Way, Bangor
  16. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name!, Coronation
  17. All People That On Earth Do Dwell, Old Hundredth
  18. For the Beauty of the Earth, Dix
  19. In You Is Gladness, In Dir Ist Freude
  20. All Creatures of Our God and King, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
  21. Lord, Listen To Your Children Praying, Children Praying
  22. Crown Him with Many Crowns, Diademata
  23. Awesome God, Awesome God
  24. Shout to the Lord, Shout to the Lord
  25. Lord, I Lift Your Name On High, Lord, I Lift Your Name
  26. How Great Thou Art, How Great Thou Art
  27. God Is So Good, God Is So Good
  28. We Gather Together, Kremser
  29. My Heart Is Longing, Princess Eugene
  30. Oh, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, Azmon
  31. The Numberless Gifts of God's Mercies, Jag Kan Icke Rackna Dem Alla
  32. Oh, Worship the King, Lyons
  33. Father, I Adore You, Maranatha
  34. This Is My Father's World, Terra Patris
  35. We Praise You, O God, Kremser
  36. Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee, Hymn To Joy
  37. Sunshine and Rain, Mane Och Sol
  38. Majesty, Majesty
  39. Jesus, Priceless Treasure, Jesu, Meine Freude
  40. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise, St. Denio
  41. Thine the Amen, Thine
  42. We Give Thee But Thine Own, Schumann
  43. Rise Up, All Things that God Has Made, Op Al Den Ting Som Gud Har Gjort
  44. Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now, Herr Jesu Christ, Dich Zu Uns Wend
  45. O Jesus, Let My Eyes Be Opened, O Jesu, Apne Du Mit Oye
  46. Open Now the Gates of Beauty, Unser Herrscher
  47. God Himself is Present, Wunderbarer Konig
  48. Blest Be the Tie that Binds, Dennis
  49. Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow, Old Hundredth
  50. Now Thank We All Our God, Nun Danket Alle Gott
  51. Lord, with Grateful Hearts, Sanctissima
  52. On My Heart Impress Your Image, Freu Dich Sehr
  53. Go, My Children, with My Blessing, Ar Hyd Y Nos
  54. Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing, Sicilian Mariners
  55. God Be with You Till We Meet Again, God Be With You
  56. Lord, Now Let Your Servants Depart, So Ro Godt Barn
  57. Savior, Again to Your Dear Name, Ellers
  58. Sent Forth by God's Blessing, Ash Grove
  59. Evening and Morning, Die Goldne Sonne
  60. Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun, Morning Hymn
  61. Now All the Woods Are Sleeping, O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Lassen
  62. Abide with Me, Eventide
  63. All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night, Tallis Canon
  64. Day Is Dying in the West, Chautauqua
  65. The Sun Has Gone Down, Nar Solen Gar Ned
  66. Now the Day Is Over, Merrial
  67. The Day You Gave Us, Lord, St. Clement
  68. When Seed Falls on Good Soil, Walhof
  69. Dearest Jesus, Draw Thou Near Me, Werde Munter
  70. God's Word Is Our Great Heritage, Ein Feste Burg
  71. Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word, Erhalt Uns, Herr
  72. Dearest Jesus, We Are Here, Liebster Jesu, Wir Sind Hier
  73. Borning Cry, Waterlife
  74. We Are Baptized in Christ Jesus, Ouimette
  75. All Who Believe and Are Baptized, Es Ist Das Heil
  76. Thy Holy Wings, Bred Dina Vida Vingar
  77. Jesus Came with Simple Things, Kristus Kom Med Vann Og Blod
  78. Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus, Webb
  79. O Jesus, I Have Promised, Munich
  80. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Picardy
  81. Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness, Schmucke Dich
  82. Jesus, I Long for Your Blessed Communion, Jesus, Din Sode Forening At Smage
  83. Let Us Break Bread Together, Break Bread Together
  84. O Bread of Life From Heaven, O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Lassen
  85. Break Thou the Bread of Life, Bread of Heaven
  86. O Lord, We Praise You, Gott Sei Gelobet
  87. O Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee, Vom Himmel Hoch
  88. The Church's One Foundation, Aurelia
  89. How Fair the Church of Christ Shall Stand, Vater Unser
  90. I Love Your Kingdom, Lord, St. Thomas
  91. Built on the Rock the Church Does Stand, Kirken Den Er Et Gammelt Hus
  92. Hark, the Glad Sound!, Chesterfield
  93. Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates, Truro
  94. Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding, Freuden Wir Uns All In Ein
  95. Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying, Wachet Auf
  96. When He Cometh, Precious Jewels
  97. Savior of the Nations, Come, Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland
  98. Comfort, Comfort Now My People, Freu Dich Sehr
  99. Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers, Haf Trones Lampa Fardig
  100. O Lord, How Shall I Meet You?, Wie Soll Ich Dich Empfangen
  101. On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry, Puer Nobis
  102. Prepare the Royal Highway, Bereden Vag For Herran
  103. Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel, Veni Veni Emmanuel
  104. From Heaven Above, Vom Himmel Hoch
  105. I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve, Jeg Er Sa Glad
  106. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, Mendelssohn
  107. Silent Night, Stille Nacht
  108. Angels We Have Heard On High, Gloria
  109. When Christmas Morn is Dawning, Wir Hatten Gebauet
  110. Away in a Manger, Away in a Manger
  111. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, Waltham
  112. Your Little Ones, Dear Lord, Are We, Her Kommer Dine Arme Sma
  113. What Child Is This, Greensleeves
  114. My Heart Is Filled with Wonder, Mitt Hjerte Altid Vanker
  115. O Little Town of Bethlehem, St. Louis
  116. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, Es Ist Ein Ros
  117. To God Be Glory, Fra Fjord Og Fjære
  118. All My Heart This Night Rejoices, Warum Sollt Ich
  119. O Come, All Ye Faithful, Adeste Fidelis
  120. Of the Father's Love Begotten, Divinum Mysterium
  121. The First Noel, The First Noel
  122. Bells Are Calling, Kling, No Klokka
  123. Joy to the World!, Antioch
  124. In the Bleak Midwinter, Cranham
  125. Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light, Schop
  126. Angels From the Realms of Glory, Regent Square
  127. At the Name of Jesus, King's Weston
  128. As with Gladness Men of Old, Dix
  129. O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright!, Wie Schon Leuchtet
  130. We Three Kings of Orient Are, Three Kings of Orient
  131. Bright and Glorious Is the Sky, Deilig Er Den Himmel Bla
  132. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Hamburg
  133. Ah, Holy Jesus, Herzliebster Jesu
  134. Savior, When in Dust to You, Aberystwyth
  135. A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth, An Wasserflussen Babylon
  136. Glory Be to Jesus, Wem In Leidenstagen
  137. There Is a Green Hill, Windsor
  138. In the Cross of Christ I Glory, Rathbun
  139. The Old Rugged Cross, Old Rugged Cross
  140. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross, Near the Cross
  141. In the Hour of Trial, Penitence
  142. Beneath the Cross of Jesus, St. Christopher
  143. Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed, Martyrdom
  144. Go Down, Moses, Go Down, Moses
  145. Go to Dark Gethsemane, Gethsemane
  146. All Glory, Laud, and Honor, Valet Will Ich Dir Geben
  147. Were You There, Were You There
  148. Lamb of God Most Holy!, O Lamm Gottes
  149. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded, Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen
  150. At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing, Sonne Der Gerechtigkeit
  151. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, Easter Hymn
  152. Awake, My Heart, with Gladness, Auf, Auf, Mein Herz
  153. Christ the Lord Is Risen, Kristus Er Oppstanden
  154. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, Hyfrydol
  155. Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain, Gaudeamus Pariter
  156. Like the Golden Sun Ascending, Werde Munter
  157. Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands, Christ Lag In Todesbanden
  158. Good Christians Friends, Rejoice and Sing!, Gelobt Sei Gott
  159. Now Let the Vault of Heaven Resound, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
  160. In the Garden, Garden
  161. Thine Is the Glory, Judas Maccabeus
  162. Easter Morrow Stills Our Sorrow, Her Vil Ties
  163. I See You Standing, Release
  164. Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies, Ratisbon
  165. O Day Full of Grace, Den Signede Dag
  166. Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord, Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
  167. To God the Holy Spirit Let Us Pray, Nun Bitten Wir
  168. Praise Ye the Father, Flemming
  169. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Ein Feste Burg
  170. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Ein Feste Burg
  171. Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice, Nun Freut Euch
  172. In Heaven Above, I Himmelen, I Himmelen
  173. Behold the Host, Arrayed in White, Den Store Hvide Flok
  174. Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
  175. For All the Saints, Sine Nomine
  176. Jesus, Lord and Precious Savior, Hela Varlden Froides Herran
  177. Softly and Tenderly Thompson
  178. Lord Jesus, Think On Me, Southwell
  179. Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God, Francke
  180. Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling, Ripley
  181. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, Rest
  182. Is It True?, Ar Det Sant
  183. Cleansed and Forgiven, Ren Og Rettferdig
  184. Jesus Calls Us; o'er the Tumult, Galilee
  185. Come, Ye Disconsolate, Consolator
  186. There's a Wideness in God's Mercy, Lord, Revive Us
  187. Chief of Sinners though I Be, Gethsemane
  188. Come to Calvary's Holy Mountain, Naar Mit Oie
  189. Nicene Creed, Nettleton
  190. Blessed Assurance, Assurance
  191. How Firm a Foundation, Foundation
  192. My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less, Melita
  193. Just as I Am, Woodworth
  194. All Depends on Our Posessing, Alles Ist An Gottes Segen
  195. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds, St. Peter
  196. My Jesus, I Love Thee, Gordon
  197. O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts, Walton
  198. The King of Love My Shepherd Is, St. Columba
  199. Amazing Grace, New Britain
  200. Lord of All Hopefulness, Slane
  201. Children of the Heavenly Father, Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara
  202. Have No Fear, Little Flock, Little Flock
  203. Dearest Jesus, at Your Word, Liebster Jesu, Wir Sind Hier
  204. Because He Lives, Resurrection
  205. Savior, Like a Shepherd, Bradbury
  206. Precious Lord, Take My Hand, Precious Lord
  207. On Eagle's Wings, On Eagle's Wings
  208. Leaning On the Everlasting Arms, Showalter
  209. The Lord's My Shepherd, Crimond
  210. Day by Day, Blott En Dag
  211. Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Faithfulness
  212. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, Lemmel
  213. Sun of My Soul, Thou Savior Dear, Hursley
  214. Give Me Jesus, Give Me Jesus
  215. In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found, In Christ Alone
  216. Faith of Our Fathers, St. Catherine
  217. Breathe on Me, Breath of God, Trentham
  218. Christ, the Life of All the Living, Jesus, Meines Lebens Leben
  219. Jesus, Lover of My Soul, Martyn
  220. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me, Pilot
  221. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, Cwm Rhondda
  222. If You Will Trust in God to Guide You, Wer Nur Den Lieben Gott
  223. What a Friend We Have in Jesus, Converse
  224. When Peace Like a River, Ville Du Havre
  225. O God, Our Help in Ages Past, St. Anne
  226. Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me, Toplady
  227. Come, Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing, Nettleton
  228. Onward Christian Soldiers, St. Gertrude
  229. O Master, Let Me Walk, Maryton
  230. Be Thou My Vision, Slane
  231. Rise, O Children of Salvation, Unser Herrscher
  232. He Leadeth Me, He Leadeth Me
  233. Take My Life and Let It Be, Patmos
  234. O For a Closer Walk with God, Caithness
  235. Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways, Evan
  236. Am I a Soldier of the Cross?, Arlington
  237. Jesus, Still Lead On, Seelenbrautigam
  238. O God, My Faithful God, Was Frag Ich Nach Der Welt
  239. You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore, Pescador De Hombres
  240. As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams, Martyrdom
  241. I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say, Third Mode Melody
  242. I Look Not Back, O Salla Land
  243. My Faith Looks Up to Thee, Olivet
  244. Have Thine Own Way, Lord!, Adelaide
  245. Lord, as a Pilgrim, Pilgrim Song
  246. All the Way My Savior Leads Me, All the Way
  247. Come, Thou Almighty King, Italian Hymn
  248. Just a Closer Walk with Thee, Closer Walk
  249. Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me, So Nimm Denn Meine Hande
  250. I Walk in Danger, Jeg Gar I Fare Hvor Jeg Gar
  251. I'm a Pilgrim, and I'm a Stranger, Jag Ar Framling
  252. Beautiful Savior, Schonster Herr Jesu
  253. My Life Flows On in Endless Song, How Can I Keep Singing
  254. What Wondrous Love Is This, Wondrous Love
  255. Nearer, My God, to Thee, Bethany
  256. Sorrow and Gladness, Sorgen Og Gleden
  257. Like Noah's Weary Dove, Kentucky 93rd
  258. Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves Me
  259. I Saw Him in Childhood, Jeg Sa Ham Som Barn
  260. O Perfect Love, O Perfect Love
  261. Come, You Thankful People, Come, St. George's, Windsor
  262. Sing to the Lord of Harvest, Wie Liebich Ist Der Maien
  263. We Plow the Fields and Scatter, Wie Pflugen
  264. Go Forth, My Heart, This Summer Day, Geh Aus, Mein Herz
  265. I Love to Tell the Story, Hankey
  266. From Greenland's Icy Mountains, Missionary Hymn
  267. Lord, Speak to Me, That I May Speak, Canonbury
  268. Jesus Shall Reign, Duke Street
  269. Lift High the Cross, Crucifer
  270. Christ for the World We Sing, Italian Hymn
  271. O Beautiful for Spacious Skies, Materna
  272. Battle Hymn of the Republic, Battle Hymn
  273. I Know of a Sleep in Jesus' Name, Den Signede Dag
  274. I Know That My Redeemer Lives!, Duke Street
  275. Shall We Gather at the River, Hanson Place
