ReClaim Hymnal (RCH)
- All Glory Be to God on High, Allein Gott in der Hoh
- My God, How Wonderful Thou Art, Dundee
- Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken, Austria
- All Things Bright and Beautiful, Royal Oak
- God of Our Fathers, National Hymn
- Eternal Father, Strong to Save, Melita
- Let Me Be Yours Forever, Lob Gott Getrost Mit Singen
- Father, We Praise You, Christe Sanctorium
- Sweet Hour of Prayer!, Sweet Hour of Prayer
- Holy, Holy, Holy, Nicaea
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, Lobe Den Herren
- Give to Our God Immortal Praise, Duke Street
- Holy God, We Praise Your Name, Grosser Gott
- Love Divine, All Loves Excelling, Hyfrydol
- God Moves in a Mysterious Way, Bangor
- All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name!, Coronation
- All People That On Earth Do Dwell, Old Hundredth
- For the Beauty of the Earth, Dix
- In You Is Gladness, In Dir Ist Freude
- All Creatures of Our God and King, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
- Lord, Listen To Your Children Praying, Children Praying
- Crown Him with Many Crowns, Diademata
- Awesome God, Awesome God
- Shout to the Lord, Shout to the Lord
- Lord, I Lift Your Name On High, Lord, I Lift Your Name
- How Great Thou Art, How Great Thou Art
- God Is So Good, God Is So Good
- We Gather Together, Kremser
- My Heart Is Longing, Princess Eugene
- Oh, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, Azmon
- The Numberless Gifts of God's Mercies, Jag Kan Icke Rackna Dem Alla
- Oh, Worship the King, Lyons
- Father, I Adore You, Maranatha
- This Is My Father's World, Terra Patris
- We Praise You, O God, Kremser
- Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee, Hymn To Joy
- Sunshine and Rain, Mane Och Sol
- Majesty, Majesty
- Jesus, Priceless Treasure, Jesu, Meine Freude
- Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise, St. Denio
- Thine the Amen, Thine
- We Give Thee But Thine Own, Schumann
- Rise Up, All Things that God Has Made, Op Al Den Ting Som Gud Har Gjort
- Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now, Herr Jesu Christ, Dich Zu Uns Wend
- O Jesus, Let My Eyes Be Opened, O Jesu, Apne Du Mit Oye
- Open Now the Gates of Beauty, Unser Herrscher
- God Himself is Present, Wunderbarer Konig
- Blest Be the Tie that Binds, Dennis
- Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow, Old Hundredth
- Now Thank We All Our God, Nun Danket Alle Gott
- Lord, with Grateful Hearts, Sanctissima
- On My Heart Impress Your Image, Freu Dich Sehr
- Go, My Children, with My Blessing, Ar Hyd Y Nos
- Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing, Sicilian Mariners
- God Be with You Till We Meet Again, God Be With You
- Lord, Now Let Your Servants Depart, So Ro Godt Barn
- Savior, Again to Your Dear Name, Ellers
- Sent Forth by God's Blessing, Ash Grove
- Evening and Morning, Die Goldne Sonne
- Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun, Morning Hymn
- Now All the Woods Are Sleeping, O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Lassen
- Abide with Me, Eventide
- All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night, Tallis Canon
- Day Is Dying in the West, Chautauqua
- The Sun Has Gone Down, Nar Solen Gar Ned
- Now the Day Is Over, Merrial
- The Day You Gave Us, Lord, St. Clement
- When Seed Falls on Good Soil, Walhof
- Dearest Jesus, Draw Thou Near Me, Werde Munter
- God's Word Is Our Great Heritage, Ein Feste Burg
- Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word, Erhalt Uns, Herr
- Dearest Jesus, We Are Here, Liebster Jesu, Wir Sind Hier
- Borning Cry, Waterlife
- We Are Baptized in Christ Jesus, Ouimette
- All Who Believe and Are Baptized, Es Ist Das Heil
- Thy Holy Wings, Bred Dina Vida Vingar
- Jesus Came with Simple Things, Kristus Kom Med Vann Og Blod
- Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus, Webb
- O Jesus, I Have Promised, Munich
- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Picardy
- Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness, Schmucke Dich
- Jesus, I Long for Your Blessed Communion, Jesus, Din Sode Forening At Smage
- Let Us Break Bread Together, Break Bread Together
- O Bread of Life From Heaven, O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Lassen
- Break Thou the Bread of Life, Bread of Heaven
- O Lord, We Praise You, Gott Sei Gelobet
- O Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee, Vom Himmel Hoch
- The Church's One Foundation, Aurelia
- How Fair the Church of Christ Shall Stand, Vater Unser
- I Love Your Kingdom, Lord, St. Thomas
- Built on the Rock the Church Does Stand, Kirken Den Er Et Gammelt Hus
- Hark, the Glad Sound!, Chesterfield
- Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates, Truro
- Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding, Freuden Wir Uns All In Ein
- Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying, Wachet Auf
- When He Cometh, Precious Jewels
- Savior of the Nations, Come, Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland
- Comfort, Comfort Now My People, Freu Dich Sehr
- Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers, Haf Trones Lampa Fardig
- O Lord, How Shall I Meet You?, Wie Soll Ich Dich Empfangen
- On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry, Puer Nobis
- Prepare the Royal Highway, Bereden Vag For Herran
- Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel, Veni Veni Emmanuel
- From Heaven Above, Vom Himmel Hoch
- I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve, Jeg Er Sa Glad
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, Mendelssohn
- Silent Night, Stille Nacht
- Angels We Have Heard On High, Gloria
- When Christmas Morn is Dawning, Wir Hatten Gebauet
- Away in a Manger, Away in a Manger
- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, Waltham
- Your Little Ones, Dear Lord, Are We, Her Kommer Dine Arme Sma
- What Child Is This, Greensleeves
- My Heart Is Filled with Wonder, Mitt Hjerte Altid Vanker
- O Little Town of Bethlehem, St. Louis
- Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, Es Ist Ein Ros
- To God Be Glory, Fra Fjord Og Fjære
- All My Heart This Night Rejoices, Warum Sollt Ich
- O Come, All Ye Faithful, Adeste Fidelis
- Of the Father's Love Begotten, Divinum Mysterium
- The First Noel, The First Noel
- Bells Are Calling, Kling, No Klokka
- Joy to the World!, Antioch
- In the Bleak Midwinter, Cranham
- Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light, Schop
- Angels From the Realms of Glory, Regent Square
- At the Name of Jesus, King's Weston
- As with Gladness Men of Old, Dix
- O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright!, Wie Schon Leuchtet
- We Three Kings of Orient Are, Three Kings of Orient
- Bright and Glorious Is the Sky, Deilig Er Den Himmel Bla
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Hamburg
- Ah, Holy Jesus, Herzliebster Jesu
- Savior, When in Dust to You, Aberystwyth
- A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth, An Wasserflussen Babylon
- Glory Be to Jesus, Wem In Leidenstagen
- There Is a Green Hill, Windsor
- In the Cross of Christ I Glory, Rathbun
- The Old Rugged Cross, Old Rugged Cross
- Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross, Near the Cross
- In the Hour of Trial, Penitence
- Beneath the Cross of Jesus, St. Christopher
- Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed, Martyrdom
- Go Down, Moses, Go Down, Moses
- Go to Dark Gethsemane, Gethsemane
- All Glory, Laud, and Honor, Valet Will Ich Dir Geben
- Were You There, Were You There
- Lamb of God Most Holy!, O Lamm Gottes
- O Sacred Head, Now Wounded, Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen
- At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing, Sonne Der Gerechtigkeit
- Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, Easter Hymn
- Awake, My Heart, with Gladness, Auf, Auf, Mein Herz
- Christ the Lord Is Risen, Kristus Er Oppstanden
- Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, Hyfrydol
- Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain, Gaudeamus Pariter
- Like the Golden Sun Ascending, Werde Munter
- Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands, Christ Lag In Todesbanden
- Good Christians Friends, Rejoice and Sing!, Gelobt Sei Gott
- Now Let the Vault of Heaven Resound, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
- In the Garden, Garden
- Thine Is the Glory, Judas Maccabeus
- Easter Morrow Stills Our Sorrow, Her Vil Ties
- I See You Standing, Release
- Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies, Ratisbon
- O Day Full of Grace, Den Signede Dag
- Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord, Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
- To God the Holy Spirit Let Us Pray, Nun Bitten Wir
- Praise Ye the Father, Flemming
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Ein Feste Burg
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Ein Feste Burg
- Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice, Nun Freut Euch
- In Heaven Above, I Himmelen, I Himmelen
- Behold the Host, Arrayed in White, Den Store Hvide Flok
- Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones, Lasst Uns Erfreuen
- For All the Saints, Sine Nomine
- Jesus, Lord and Precious Savior, Hela Varlden Froides Herran
- Softly and Tenderly Thompson
- Lord Jesus, Think On Me, Southwell
- Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God, Francke
- Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling, Ripley
- Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, Rest
- Is It True?, Ar Det Sant
- Cleansed and Forgiven, Ren Og Rettferdig
- Jesus Calls Us; o'er the Tumult, Galilee
- Come, Ye Disconsolate, Consolator
- There's a Wideness in God's Mercy, Lord, Revive Us
- Chief of Sinners though I Be, Gethsemane
- Come to Calvary's Holy Mountain, Naar Mit Oie
- Nicene Creed, Nettleton
- Blessed Assurance, Assurance
- How Firm a Foundation, Foundation
- My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less, Melita
- Just as I Am, Woodworth
- All Depends on Our Posessing, Alles Ist An Gottes Segen
- How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds, St. Peter
- My Jesus, I Love Thee, Gordon
- O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts, Walton
- The King of Love My Shepherd Is, St. Columba
- Amazing Grace, New Britain
- Lord of All Hopefulness, Slane
- Children of the Heavenly Father, Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara
- Have No Fear, Little Flock, Little Flock
- Dearest Jesus, at Your Word, Liebster Jesu, Wir Sind Hier
- Because He Lives, Resurrection
- Savior, Like a Shepherd, Bradbury
- Precious Lord, Take My Hand, Precious Lord
- On Eagle's Wings, On Eagle's Wings
- Leaning On the Everlasting Arms, Showalter
- The Lord's My Shepherd, Crimond
- Day by Day, Blott En Dag
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Faithfulness
- Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, Lemmel
- Sun of My Soul, Thou Savior Dear, Hursley
- Give Me Jesus, Give Me Jesus
- In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found, In Christ Alone
- Faith of Our Fathers, St. Catherine
- Breathe on Me, Breath of God, Trentham
- Christ, the Life of All the Living, Jesus, Meines Lebens Leben
- Jesus, Lover of My Soul, Martyn
- Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me, Pilot
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, Cwm Rhondda
- If You Will Trust in God to Guide You, Wer Nur Den Lieben Gott
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus, Converse
- When Peace Like a River, Ville Du Havre
- O God, Our Help in Ages Past, St. Anne
- Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me, Toplady
- Come, Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing, Nettleton
- Onward Christian Soldiers, St. Gertrude
- O Master, Let Me Walk, Maryton
- Be Thou My Vision, Slane
- Rise, O Children of Salvation, Unser Herrscher
- He Leadeth Me, He Leadeth Me
- Take My Life and Let It Be, Patmos
- O For a Closer Walk with God, Caithness
- Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways, Evan
- Am I a Soldier of the Cross?, Arlington
- Jesus, Still Lead On, Seelenbrautigam
- O God, My Faithful God, Was Frag Ich Nach Der Welt
- You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore, Pescador De Hombres
- As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams, Martyrdom
- I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say, Third Mode Melody
- I Look Not Back, O Salla Land
- My Faith Looks Up to Thee, Olivet
- Have Thine Own Way, Lord!, Adelaide
- Lord, as a Pilgrim, Pilgrim Song
- All the Way My Savior Leads Me, All the Way
- Come, Thou Almighty King, Italian Hymn
- Just a Closer Walk with Thee, Closer Walk
- Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me, So Nimm Denn Meine Hande
- I Walk in Danger, Jeg Gar I Fare Hvor Jeg Gar
- I'm a Pilgrim, and I'm a Stranger, Jag Ar Framling
- Beautiful Savior, Schonster Herr Jesu
- My Life Flows On in Endless Song, How Can I Keep Singing
- What Wondrous Love Is This, Wondrous Love
- Nearer, My God, to Thee, Bethany
- Sorrow and Gladness, Sorgen Og Gleden
- Like Noah's Weary Dove, Kentucky 93rd
- Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves Me
- I Saw Him in Childhood, Jeg Sa Ham Som Barn
- O Perfect Love, O Perfect Love
- Come, You Thankful People, Come, St. George's, Windsor
- Sing to the Lord of Harvest, Wie Liebich Ist Der Maien
- We Plow the Fields and Scatter, Wie Pflugen
- Go Forth, My Heart, This Summer Day, Geh Aus, Mein Herz
- I Love to Tell the Story, Hankey
- From Greenland's Icy Mountains, Missionary Hymn
- Lord, Speak to Me, That I May Speak, Canonbury
- Jesus Shall Reign, Duke Street
- Lift High the Cross, Crucifer
- Christ for the World We Sing, Italian Hymn
- O Beautiful for Spacious Skies, Materna
- Battle Hymn of the Republic, Battle Hymn
- I Know of a Sleep in Jesus' Name, Den Signede Dag
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives!, Duke Street
- Shall We Gather at the River, Hanson Place